indian food

Indian food covers a wide assortment of territorial foods from India. They are impacted by the flavors, herbs, products of the soil found in each area of the nation, yet additionally by religion and history.

Indian Diet for Weight Loss Plan

Some northern Indian dishes can be tasty, but may include even more than the recommended daily allowance in one serving. Some of these delicious dishes include Biryani chicken, buttered chicken, Dal Makhani and many others. By consuming all these dishes loaded with butter and fat, it can be difficult to lose weight.

There is an Indian diet for weight loss that can limit your calorie intake to only 1200 calories per day. Here is a regular sample of what an Indian diet for weight loss will look like:

Before breakfast:

-Lemon water slightly heated.

-Black tea without sugar.

-2 Marie cookies.


Start with a glass of skim milk with a teaspoon of sugar.

Dos Besan Chilla or just a piece of whole wheat bread.

In the middle of the morning :.

- Medium bowl of fruit salad.


-A bowl of salad made from mixed vegetables.

-Small bowl of vegetarian raita.

- Medium Khichdi vegetable bowl.


-Cup of black tea.

-2 wheat-based cookies.

Having dinner:.

-2 Missi Roti.

- Bowl of medium sized mixed vegetables.

-A small bowl of curd.

The total calories on this diet reached 1,200 in one day. The diet is simple to follow and all that is going on is persistence, dedication and discipline. If you are looking for a reliable weight loss strategy that allows you to savor delicious North Indian dishes, the Indian weight loss diet may be for you.

When you want to lose weight in a healthy way, you need to start by calculating your BMR, known as (basal metabolic rate). And when you set your BMR, you will be able to determine how many calories your body will need to burn and then lose excess weight.

The Indian diet sample for weight loss is a basic idea of ​​a diet plan that you should follow if your daily calorie intake is 1200. It is always highly recommended to seek the advice of a doctor. or a dietitian to identify your correct calorie needs. If you start a diet that is too low in calories for your body type, you may be suffering from malnutrition.

This may indicate that you can see the weight loss results you are looking for, but your body will not be in a state of well-being. This could cause additional problems at a later stage, and you will end up gaining the weight that you really lost with extra weight due to an inactive metabolic process. Your body will keep the food you eat to protect the energy stored as fat. Always make sure you eat enough each day.

Indian Diet for Weight Loss Plan , Indian Diet , Weight Loss Plan , Weight Loss , 

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