indian food

Indian food covers a wide assortment of territorial foods from India. They are impacted by the flavors, herbs, products of the soil found in each area of the nation, yet additionally by religion and history.

Indian Food As Part of a Weight Loss Regime

Most people think that you cannot eat Indian food if you are dieting. It's a fair statement if you still eat Indian food in restaurants, as many traditional Indian recipes involve frying or using lard (clarified butter). However, if you cook Indian dishes at home, they can easily be part of a diet like any other food. You just need to follow some simple general rules.

- Avoid recipes that involve frying.

- If you have to seal the meat before braising it for a curry, use a good non-stick pan and a spray of sunflower or vegetable oil. Lightly spray the surface of your pan with
oil and this should be enough to keep the meat from sticking while you brown it.

- If a recipe includes cream or coconut cream, replace plain yogurt and another flavoring to replace the coconut.

Tandoori recipes are excellent with a diet low in calories or carbohydrates. Simply marinate fish (cubed or whole), chicken (cubed or whole) or shrimp (shrimp) in a mixture of low-fat plain yogurt, ground turmeric, ground coriander, ground cumin, crushed garlic, grated ginger and a little chili powder (or to taste) for at least an hour.

If you are using diced meat, put it on skewers. Grill or broil over medium heat until cooked. Serve with a mixed salad and lemon wedges to squeeze them. If your diet is not too strict, you can also take pitta bread, baked potato or boiled rice.

The curry dishes are also very good (preferably fish or chicken). If you're using a recipe that has only a spice and water base or a tomato base, it certainly won't hurt your calorie intake, but be sure to keep the oil you use to make fry onions, spices or whatever, to the absolute minimum. .

For vegetarians or those trying to cut down on meat due to its relatively high calorie content, Indian cuisine is ideal. There are so many vegetable and legume recipes that are really tasty that you won't even know you're dieting!

Don't forget the paneer (Indian cottage cheese), which can be cooked according to the tandoori idea above, or in a spicy sauce. If you can't get a paneer, try replacing the tofu.

Indian Food As Part of a Weight Loss Regime , Indian Food ,   Weight Loss Regime , Weight Loss , Regime , 

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